Brew Crew Group Picture
It's not everybody, but thanks to Michelle for the great group picture from Kevin's party.
Everyone have a great summer, and get hyped up for the real thing come September.The Brewmaster
The Shirts Are In
The Dierksenkougan "Brew Crew" T-shirts are printed and available! Most of you who have paid have already received them, but if you paid, your shirt is waiting. Also, there are a small number of extras in various sizes. If you didn't get one, let me know and you might just get lucky.Friday night, a few of us dressed in our new digs and hit our good friend Kevin's for a little party. Check out the photos here.So big thanks to Michelle DeFouw for personally doing such a great job on these. For those who didn't know, Michelle made these herself. As in not ordered them from a screen printer. I saw the ink on her hands. And they look great. Thanks again, Michelle!The summer is drawing near, which means we only have one more season until the beer starts brewing! This weekend's trip to Canada expanded beer knowledge and exposure to all, and I'm excited to crack open a Dierksenkougan on the front porch with good friends and a good BBQ.See you then,The Brewmaster